Meet Our Team
Amy King

Director, Office for Accessible Education
Students last names L-Z and students enrolled in the College of Law
- Inquiry and Registration for OAE
- Adjustments to Accommodations
- Concerns and Grievances
- Faculty and Staff Support
Office: 504-865-2161
Rowan Oliversen

Accessibility Coordinator, Office for Accessible Education
Students last names A-K (but not students enrolled in the College of Law)
- Inquiry and Registration for OAE
- Adjustments to Accommodations
- Concerns and Grievances
- Faculty and Staff Support
Office: 504-865-3368
Neha Ahmed

Graduate Assistant, Office for Accessible Education
Main Office: 504-865-3205
Text OAE: 504-882-9494
See Neha for:
- Basic Office for Accessible Education Questions
- Coaching
Current & Prospective Students
Schedule to meet virtually with a team member for help with accommodations
please include a current phone number with your request.
Faculty & Staff
OAE staff can answer questions about online accommodations, extending testing time in Canvas and ClockWork
guidance on Extending test time in Canvas along with many other resources for online teaching.
Amanda Zapp

Testing and Assistive Technology Coordinator, Office for Accessible Education
(504) 865-7003