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OWLS Appointment Instructions for Undergraduates

To Schedule a Face-to-face Appointment 

 1. Log in to your Loyola Single Sign-On account

2. Click on OWLS app to log into the WCONLINE appointment system site, or go directly to 

3. Be sure to register for an account on the sign-on page

4. Once you’re in the system, click on the grid to choose a tutor, date, and time

5. Fill in the pop-up form 

6. Show up to your appointment on your scheduled date and time!


To Cancel an Appointment

1. You must cancel at least 1 hour ahead of your scheduled appointment. Otherwise, you will be marked as a “No-Show.” Cancelling early allows other people to make appointments with the tutor.  

2. Follow the same steps above to number 5

3. On the pop-up form push “Cancel Appointment”  


To Make an Online Appointment

1. Follow the same steps as when creating a face-to-face appointment. However, be sure to select a consultant with “Online” listed under their name and click the “Yes. Schedule Online Appointment.” button under the “Meet Tutor Online?” option. 

Note: Online consultations are done through WCONLINE in real time, meaning you will join the appointment at the scheduled time and work with the consultant through live chat. Be sure to have a digital version of your project on hand to upload to the system.

2.  Check your email before your appointment to see if your tutor has sent you a Zoom link. If not, a few minutes before your appointment, log in to the OWLS appointment system. 

3. Find your appointment and click on it to open the appointment form. 

4. Scroll to “Meet Tutor Online?” and click “Start or Join Online Consultation.” This will open the consultation screen. 

5. The consultation screen has a live chat area on the right side, a document collaboration space or “whiteboard” area in the middle and a toolbar at the top. There are instructions in the whiteboard space for how to use each section

6. To upload a file, click the “two arrows” button in the upper right hand corner of the screen above the chat box. To upload your paper, you can either copy and paste your paper directly into the whiteboard space or upload a file. Either method may impact the formatting of your document as WCONLINE converts the document to simple text. 

7. A pop up message will appear giving you the option to import or export a file. To import a file, click “Choose File” and use the file navigator to select and open the file you want to upload. 

8. Once the file is selected, click “Import Now.” When another box pops up asking you to confirm the import, click “OK,” and your file will populate the whiteboard space. 

9. You will chat with your tutor using the chat bar in the bottom right corner. Your typing will be color coded in the chat box. To change the color of your typing, click the colored icon in the top right corner. You and the tutor can also type directly into the document on the whiteboard space, making comments and revising as you go. Your comments will also be color coded. After your appointment is complete, you can return to your document in WCONLINE at any time to refer to the comments or use the import/export function to download a copy. 

10. Close the window to exit the session. 

If you have issues with the online appointment system, try closing and restarting or changing your browser.